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Author Archives: scene

Kings Raid Ishi o Tsugu Mono-tachi E04 480p WEBRip x264-TFPDL

Kings Raid Ishi o Tsugu Mono-tachi E04 480p WEBRip x264-TFPDL
It’s been 100 years since King Kyle buried Ang Mundo. Now in a time of peace, the apprentice knight Kasel enjoys his life without worry. His fate begins to change, however, with news of demon appearances infesting the neighborhood. Guided by a wise man, Kasel finds friends he can rely on and sets off on his mission to seek a holy sword, capable of slaying his newfound enemies.
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Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka Bloom S03E03 480p WEBRip x264-TFPDL

Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka Bloom S03E03 480p WEBRip x264-TFPDL
Cocoa Hoto is a positive and energetic girl who becomes friends with anyone in just three seconds. After moving in with the Kafuu family in order to attend high school away from home, she immediately befriends the shy and precocious granddaughter of Rabbit House cafe’s founder, Chino Kafuu, who is often seen with the talking rabbit, Tippy, on her head. After beginning to work as a waitress in return for room and board, Kokoa also befriends another part-timer, Rize Tedeza, who has unusual behavior and significant physical capabilities due to her military upbringing; Chiya Ujimatsu, a waitress from a rival cafe who does everything at her own pace; and Sharo Kirima, another waitress at a different cafe who has the air of a noblewoman despite being impoverished.
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