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Download Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Game For PC-DELUX EDITION [TFPDL]

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Game For PC-DELUX EDITION [TFPDL]
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Game For PC-DELUX EDITION [TFPDL]
About This Game:
Advanced Warfare and the most important part of the key changes that have happened in the wide part of the gameplay. It might seem at first glance the gameplay trailer for the game is fiction, but this is false. Weapons and technologies that are in the title, all the armies of the world, including America, that they are trying to make. EXO Technology is the most important in the game. The soldiers advanced coating that multiply their power and long jump and shift fast.

–::Minimum System Requirements::–
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit / Windows 8 64-Bit
Intel® Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66 GHZ / AMD Phenom X3 8750 2.4 GHZ or better
HDD: 40GB HD space
NVIDIA GeForce GTX GTS 450 / ATI® Radeon HD 5870 or better
Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card

–::Recommended system::–
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit / Windows 8 64-Bit
Intel® Core i5 – 680 @ 3.6 GHz
HDD: 40GB HD space
NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 760 @ 4GB
Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
1.Download All Part Files
2.Using Winrar Software decompress files.
3.Copy the contents of the folder CRACK in the root of the game.
4.Click on s1_sp64_ship.exe get into the game.
5. Play Enjoy
File size: 39GB

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