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Download Moebius Empire Rising PC Game – FLT

Moebius Empire Rising PC Game – FLT
Download Moebius Empire Rising PC Game - FLT
About This Game:

Moebius Empire Rising Empire Möbius advent of computer games playing style arcade that has been newly designed and built by Phoenix Online Studios Phoenix Online Publishing Company has released it for the PC platform. The narrative again with new exciting game from Jane Jensen Jane Jensen and Phoenix studio experience. Malachi Rector is hired by an unknown organization to investigate the murder of a woman in Venice. Along the way, in her mind, the question arises . Why is the United States government has summoned him as a skilled antique dealer to investigate the murder of a foreign woman? Why should the benchmark during a trip with someone named David Walker David Walker was previously a member of the special forces, to be met? In this game you must use your intelligence and clues found in the game and they try to solve the puzzles. Do not Forgetting, this contemporary play a game with point-and-click integration with Jensen’s intricate storytelling. A trip to Venice, Cairo, Zurich and discover the mystery, the supernatural power criterion in analyzing suspects and uncover the truth behind a theory linking history is only part of the unique features of the game. You can now make this game attractive powerful servers download Persian receive and enjoy the game.

Minimum System Requirements Moebius Empire Rising:
OS: XP/Vista/7
Processor: 2.0 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI or NVidia with 512 MB RAM
Hard Drive: 4 GB available space
Additional Notes: ** – Not recommended for play on Intel systems with integrated / shared video memory
The proposed system Moebius Empire Rising:
OS: XP / Vista / 7
Processor: 2.0 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI or NVidia with 1 GB RAM
Hard Drive: 4 GB available space
Additional Notes: ** – Not recommended for play on Intel systems with integrated / shared video memory
Installation :
– The desired files to download.
– Using software Winrar to decompress the file.
– Using an ISO file in the virtual drive software, Virtual CloneDrive run.
– Run the setup.exe file and continue with the installation process.
– All.
Download Links Size 1.3GB:
Download Moebius Empire Rising PC Game part 1
Download Moebius Empire Rising PC Game part 2
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